Have you ever shipped the wrong product?
A mistake is easy to make. With hundreds or thousands of sku's it's inevitable that you will pick and ship the wrong product or the wrong amount of products from time to time. The built in orderpicker will help you minimize mistakes.
All products and ordered quantities can be checked by scanning the barcode of each product. Products that have no barcode can of course also be checked manually using the product details and product image from your webshop.
How it works
When a new order is placed in the webshop it will be synced to the POS.
All new (web)orders can be found under "Menu" > "Orderpicker". You can select which order states you want to show in this list. This way you will only see the orders that need processing.
Easy color coding lets you instantly see which orders are picked, partialy picked or unpicked.

Products are easily identifyable by their image and details.
Products on the left are unpicked. To check an item, simply scan it's barcode and the product moves to the right column indicating it is correct.
Items without barcodes can be add by pressing the "+" sign.
Integrate your workflow
Scanning a barcode will add a quantity of 1 by default. Use the number keys on your keyboard to pick a higher quantity at once. If you have picked the wrong amount for a product, the clear interface will keep you informed.
Scanning the last product will complete the order automatically.

Automaticaly Change (weshop) order status
When all of the product it will change the order status automaticaly. This works for all of the connected webshops: Magento / Virtuemart / OSCommerce Most users will use the new order status of "Ready for Shipment".
Orderpicker Settings - Change order status
Use different order statusses in your webshop to keep track of your orders. Once an order is picked, the orderpicker can automatically push the order to a new order status (e.g. "Ready for Shipment").
Easily configure what the new status should be depending on the former order status.
A mistake is easy to make. This built in orderpicker will help you minimize those mistakes and keep you and your customers happy.